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Monday, August 26, 2013
Okay you will never guess what happened... So what happened was I got so wrapped up in um...  um... ( think of something good stupid! You are a writer you can do this). Okay obviously I cannot lie. This episode was posted late because I procrastinated. To be honest I have been depressed for the past week that I kept saying I would write it when I was happier. Here I am with a smile on my face and a set of erotica titles to make you laugh.

I know, I know I need to find a different genre, but come on there are so many funny ones that I just cannot seem to help myself.

There was no word search this week, because no one sent me words or commented this week. *Sigh* I felt so unloved!

Wait! Have you stumbled here by mistake or your friend sent you the link ( oh man I hope) and have absolutely no idea what I am talking about? Well just a brief intro to what Monday WTF! editions are all about.

I love books and while trolling for books on Amazon's free list, I came across some shocking titles and thought WTF! Then I told my friend and she said I should make a list of them and post them on my blog. This is what I have been doing the past several weeks, just for laughs. I don't include author names or links because it is not meant to harm them. Just a bit of a most needed laughs for Monday mornings!

Hope you enjoy!

This weeks list:

1) Breaking Down ( Really??? My first thought was that the title was too much like Breaking Dawn ugh!) 

2) Short Smut! ( okay so why couldn't this be Tall Smut or what if I like my smut to be Purple? Why short? I mean it just leaves all the other possibilities out and well makes those other smuts feel bad. Meanies!)

3) Darling, I Just Got Laid ( freaking braggarts. I mean you can't talk about it if I am not getting any. It's not nice!)

4) Turbo Tampon ( This sounds like a weapon and not something sexual. I mean no one really enjoys tampon's right? So I am picturing a tampon with spikes and she pulls it out of her vagina and it is a sword or something. Or maybe it is a tampon that works so fast that one application pulls all the period out of you and poof, your week of the dreaded curse is gone in 3.2 seconds! ) 

5) Her Very Special Robot ( Does it clean? Will it text for me? Does it get netflix? Can it pay my bills? Because if it can't do anything like that, it's just not worth the batteries that I would have to put into it. ) 

So those are titles for this week, I am sure I will find more and next weeks will be on time.  ( I hope)

If you would like to contribute to my search shoot me an email at or leave a comment. I also review and beta read if you would like help with that. I just really like mail and comments, it makes me feel less like I am talking to myself.

Hugs have an absolutely awesome Monday!


A.B. Shepherd said...

I did too comment last week darn it!!! I said to use "hairy". :(

Great list as always.

Katy S said...

I think you have some winning ideas on the Turbo Tampon thing. Start writin' woman!

Rachel Tsoumbakos said...

OMGs! I LOVE these titles! :_D